A Quiet Revival

I want a quiet revival:
No news headlines or big fanfare,
     No electricity in the air,
No man or church receives the glory,
     No biographer to write the story.
Just quiet miracles of grace –
     A softened heart, a radiant face,
A step of faith no one will see,
     The joy of a sinner now set free.
God’s love flows from heart to heart
     And lives are given a brand-new start.

A quiet revival steady and strong
     Where ransomed souls break out in song,
The church is filled – each pew and chair –
     With folks who know that Christ is there.
God’s Word is preached, the Spirit stirs,
     No mighty rushing wind occurs,
But humble Christians bow in prayer,
     And stubborn hearts are conquered there.

A quiet revival, for this I plead,
     Where grace transforms a home in need.
Dads begin each day in prayer
     And guide their homes with tender care,
Mothers seek to know God’s Word
     And implement the truths they’ve heard.
Children learn to fear the Lord
     And dwell together in sweet accord.
As Christ is all to man and wife,
     Marriages come back to life.

Revival quietly will spread
     To hearts and homes that once were dead,
And one by one, as homes revive,
     The churches, too, become alive.
No stadium or conference hall,
     No big-name preacher or national call.
Just people finding Jesus lives!
     Receiving the help the Bible gives.
Learning to pray and boldly share
     The simple Gospel everywhere.

Churches growing, establishing more,
     Giving to missions like never before.
Standing for right, repenting of sin,
     Patiently seeking a loved one to win.
This is revival. It needn’t be loud.
     It won’t necessarily draw a big crowd.
But little by little, by God’s mighty hand,
     A quiet revival could cover the land.

When God sends revival down like a flood
     It’s oft marred by chaos and paid for in blood.
A fair price no doubt for the souls that are saved,
     But many backslide and again are enslaved.
In a quiet revival, the churches keep pace
     And teach young believers of growing in grace.
Christians established and churches made strong
     Give God much glory as they praise Him in song.

So, Lord, send revival! Your mercy we plead.
     Send a revival! You know what we need.

The High Ground

Grace and Law prepared for war
Sharpened the weapons they’d used before.
With Scripture, logic and force of will
They’d fight to claim a rugged hill.

“The high ground must be ours!” they said,
“No matter how much blood is shed.”
Then up from their trenches both sides ran
Atop the hill clashing man to man.

Law said, “Grace, go rest at ease
You think you can do whatever you please.
A lame excuse for lawlessness,
Your wickedness God cannot bless.”

Grace fought back, “You hypocrite!
Faith in works won’t work one bit!
God sees your heart, God looks inside.
He knows the rotten things you hide.
God’s not impressed with your haughty face.
You can’t earn God’s amazing grace!”

Law said, “The Spirit helps me to obey.
I trust God’s commands and do what they say.”

Grace said, “The Spirit leads me differently.
He soothes, forgives and comforts me.”

Law asks, “Will the Spirit lead against His Word?
Such self-deception I’ve never heard!”

Grace responds, “He leads me in Christ’s law of love
Which fulfills the Law and far above.
And patiently He takes my hand
and leads me through the Promised Land.”

Law said, “The Spirit is Holy, don’t you know?
But by your life it doesn’t show.
Like Lot you love this world of sin.
You ditched your tent and now you’re in.
I wonder if you’re even saved.
You couldn’t tell by how Lot behaved.”

Said Grace, “‘Judge not, lest ye be judged!’
Some laws you’ve broken, some rules you’ve fudged.
If by the law you live or die
Then you can kiss salvation goodby!
The humble sinner Christ came to save.
The law condemns you beyond the grave!”

With bloody swords and weary feet
Both sides made another retreat.
But atop that hill of blood and loss
There stood a lone forgotten Cross.forgotten cross

Redeeming Grace (part 2)

(Click here to read Part 1)

Redeeming Grace.  Yes, grace–the term, the idea of grace–must be redeemed from legalism and license.  Legalism destroys grace; license disgraces grace. Grace must be redeemed and set at liberty.  In fact, liberty is the essence of grace.  But we must clarify….

What is legalism, and how does it destroy grace?

I know this word is used oftentimes to attack people who believe in holy living and standards of biblical behavior, but that is not legalism.  Everyone has standards of behavior.  The essence of legalism is this: meritorious thinking.  At the core of every religion is meritorious thinking, the idea that what you do, whether good or bad, will merit a certain response from God.  Good works are rewarded, bad deeds are judged. Legalism is the idea that God’s favor and blessing in my life is ultimately determined by my behavior.

Salvation from sin occurs when we realize that Jesus paid the full price for sin, we realize that we are unworthy of anything but His judgment, and we choose to trust solely upon Him as our Savior.  We must reject legalism to be born again.  Yet, sadly, Christians revert back to a meritorious way of thinking in regards to living the Christian life.  Some believers attempt to achieve holiness and fruitful service by their own strength. This is the standard form of legalism among believers.  Usually these folks will either burn out, give up, or march on in a sense of self-righteous resolve, knowing only stress, struggle and spiritual failure.

There is another variation of legalism which is harder to spot, and it has sprung up among sincere revival-seeking Christians within the last 15-20 years.  It is a teaching which speaks of grace while undermining what grace really is.  These Christians, having discovered the futility of serving God in the power of the flesh, have looked to grace to enable their efforts at holy living and fruitful service.  They realize that God’s grace of salvation is also available for sanctification.  They learn that the Holy Spirit may be depended upon to enable holiness and produce fruit. Yet, here is the pitfall: they see grace as something they need to get where they’re going.  They’re headed for holiness and fruitfulness but can’t get there on their own.  They need GRACE to get them there.  Grace becomes a means to an end.  

There are many Christians who long for holiness (victory over sin) and fruitful service (souls saved, growing, thriving ministries, etc.) and realize they need to access God’s grace to achieve these ends.  So they say, “I need grace!  How can I access and experience this grace?”  In steps legalism: “Well, first you have to confess all your sin.” Should Christians confess sin?  YES!  Why?  So we can access the grace of God? NO!  We should confess sin because we love God, not because we need something from Him.  Do you see the meritorious thinking here?  Also, how would you know if you had confessed everything?  Even after searching your heart for hours you still would find yourself in a perpetual state of doubt as you consider whether or not your heart is truly clean…yet.

Let’s say you finally (timidly) feel you’ve confessed everything.  In steps legalism again: “Not so fast! You must also be FULLY surrendered to God in every area before you can access God’s grace.  After all, you won’t have the fullness of the Spirit unless He has 100% control of you!”  Any semblance of peace is  now shattered.  Are you fully surrendered?  What about that neighbor you haven’t witnessed to yet?  What about the fact you haven’t given up that time-wasting activity yet? What about….

So maybe you just try to cover everything with a blanket prayer like this, “Lord, the best I know, I yield myself fully to your control.”  Does that cover it?  Are you surrendered now?  **swallow hard**  “Well, Lord, the best I know, I have confessed all my sin (oops, just remembered one…sorry for that one too, Lord).  I have NOW confessed all known sin, and the best I know I am fully surrendered in every area of my life (oops, forgot one, I now surrender my mornings to spend more time with you…) I am NOW surrendered in every area of my life. And so, Lord, now that my heart is clean, I ask for your grace upon me today as I walk with you.”  You get up from prayer, in a somewhat conflicted state of mind, and attempt to trust God for grace…yet without peace, without joy, without any confidence that you are TRULY filled with the Spirit and accessing God’s grace.

Let me sum up: This is frustrated grace (Galatians 2:21).  Grace isn’t something I NEED from God, it is something I HAVE in Christ. Grace is not a means to an end. Grace is Jesus!  He IS the end.  Grace is not something I have to qualify for.  Grace is undeserved and unmerited!  Grace is God’s gift of Himself, and if you’re saved, you have that gift.  His name is Jesus!  I should confess my sin…BECAUSE of God’s grace to me, not as a means of receiving God’s grace.  Should I surrender myself fully to God?  YES!  Why?  Because in light of God’s generous salvation, that is my reasonable service (Romans 12:1).  I surrender BECAUSE of God’s grace, not as a means of receiving it.

Does this make sense?  So many Christians today are ultimately trying to earn, or qualify for, something that they have already received!  Don’t ASK for God’s grace, don’t plead for God’s grace, and don’t try to clear the way for God’s grace. Simply THANK Him for His grace and humbly depend upon Jesus for it.  God gives grace to the humble…not to the holy (James 4:6).  Holiness is a fruit of grace, not the gateway to it.

Don’t frustrate the grace of God.  Look up, thank Him, stay humble, and rest in the grace brought unto you in Jesus Christ (Titus 2:11-14).  This is the grace that leads to a life of holiness and service, and you already have it…if you have Jesus.

(We will explore how "Licence" makes a disgrace of grace, in Part 3.  Stay tuned.)


Redeeming Grace (part 1)

GRACE: something we all need; something God gives; something Satan perverts; something Christians misunderstand; something Christians strive to achieve, but never enjoy.

We are saved eternally by grace. True Christians understand this and have received God’s free gift of salvation by faith in Jesus Christ. Yet, though we were saved by grace, we often never learn how to live by grace.

Grace has gotten a bad name through misunderstanding and abuse.  Many Christians view grace as a license to enjoy God’s love while living as they please. This results in everyone doing “that which is right in [their] own eyes” (Judges 17:6)–all in the name of “grace.”  Yes, the Apostle Paul proclaimed Christian liberty, but he warned, “only use not liberty for an occasion to the flesh, but by love serve one another” (Galatians 5:13).  The popular concept of grace today is the licentious behavior spoken of by Jude. Preachers boldy stride into pulpits across this land and “change the grace of God into lasciviousness” (Jude 4).

Other Christians pursue grace in a manner which ultimately “frustrates” the grace they are seeking (Galatians 2:21).  Their preachers and teachers make holy living and obedience the gateway to grace, and thus, “grace is no more grace” (Romans 11:6). They are taught that, in order for a believer to access God’s grace for daily living, one must have a “clean heart” and also be “fully surrendered” in every area of their life.  This results in a constant self-examination and a continual cloud of self-condemnation. After all, how can you be sure you’ve properly confessed ALL your sins?  How can you be sure you are FULLY surrendered…in EVERY area of life?  These poor Christians are unwittingly led down a path of law, bondage and despair, never knowing the joy of their salvation and the grace available to them in Jesus Christ.  They frustrate the grace of God and find themselves…frustrated.

What is the answer? Redeeming Grace! The grace poured out at Calvary which redeems lost souls must itself be redeemed from those who have perverted it.  What if you could discover a grace that sets you free from sin? What would it be like to enjoy the grace of God without constant self-doubt and self-condemnation?  What if you found a grace that grounded you in God’s love and produced a life of of holiness and service?  This is the grace of God.  You received it at salvation, because grace is JESUS CHRIST!  Yes, there is a grace that’s not frustrated  by legalism.  There is a grace that is not a licentious “slippery slope” into worldliness and sin. We will dig into this further in PART 2.  Stay tuned.